PRIN 2023 (€212,490). Cognitive and emotional pathways to hidden STEM: longitudinal and intervention studies fostering higher educational choices. PI: David Giofrè
Fulbright grant 2023. PI: David Giofrè. Project title: Mediators of gender differences in math using INVALSI and PISA data. In collaboration with David Geary (University of Missouri).
JCPS (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) grant 2022. David Giofrè. Project title: The relationship between working memory and higher order cognitive abilities: A cross cultural study. In collaboration with Yoshifumi Ikeda (Joetsu University of Education).
Advisory Panel for Liverpool Early Number Skills (LENS) 2020 extension project founded by Nuffield Foundation,
PRIN funded by Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca, PI: Tomaso Vecchi.
Ph.D. scholarship funded by Liverpool John Moores University.