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Mammarella, I. C., Stefani, F. N., Giofrè, D., & Toso, C. (2023). Test BVS-Corsi-2. Batteria per la valutazione della memoria di lavoro visuospaziale (8-12 anni). Trento, Italy. Erickson. ISBN:9788859033929

Cornoldi, C., Pra Baldi, A., Giofrè, D., & Friso, G. (2017) Prove MT Italiano - Kit scuola I biennio secondaria di II grado. La valutazione degli apprendimenti di lettura, comprensione e scrittura - Manuale - Prove di valutazione. Firenze, Italy: Giunti O. S.. ISBN:9788809839519

Cornoldi, C., Pra Baldi, A., Giofrè, D., & Friso, G. (2017) Prove MT Matematica - Kit scuola I biennio secondaria di II grado. La valutazione degli apprendimenti di aritmetica, algebra, geometria e problem solving - Manuale - Prove di valutazione. Firenze, Italy: Giunti O. S.. ISBN:9788809839502

Cornoldi, C., Giofrè, D., & Belacchi, C. (2016). Leiter-3 Leiter International Performance Scale Third Edition Standardizzazione italiana. Firenze, Italy: Giunti O. S. ISBN:9788809994744

Cornoldi, C., Giofrè, D., & Belacchi, C. (2016). SCALA BES. Questionari osservativi per la rilevazione su base ICF/ICD dei Bisogni Educativi Speciali a scuola [Questionnaires for the identification of special needs]. Trento, Italy: Erickson. ISBN:9788859009009


Cornoldi, C., Pra Baldi, A., Friso, G., Giacomin, A., Giofrè, D., & Zaccaria, S. (2010). Prove avanzate MT di comprensione nella lettura [Advanced MT test for reading comprehension]. Florence, Italy: Organizzazioni Speciali. ISBN:8809749162

Co-author of the 3rd Consensus conference on learning disabilities. Istituto superiore di sanità. Rome, Italy. Click here


Mammarella, I. C., Giofrè, D., & Caviola, S. (2017). Learning geometry: The development of geometrical concepts and the role of cognitive processes. In D. Geary, D. Berch, R. J. Ochsendorf, & K. Mann Koeple (Eds.), Mathematical Cognition, and Learning: Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and Higher-Order Mathematics Concept, Vol. 3. New York, NY: Elsevier, Academic Press.

Other publications

Giofrè, D., & Cornoldi, C. (2020). Differenze di genere in matematica [Gender differences in mathematics]. Psicologia e Scuola, 3, 14-19.

Cornoldi, C., Antonucci, A. M., Bertolo, L., Brembati, F., Frinco, M., Giofrè, D., Giorgetti, G., Miliozzi, M., Pezzuti, L., Ramanzini, E., Sironi, E., Stoppa, E., Vio, C., & Toffalini, E. (2019). Sintesi dei risultati principali ottenuti con la banca dati AIRIPA di più di 1.800 casi di DSA valutati con la WISC-IV [A summary account of the main results obtained by Airipa over WISC-IV protocols of more than 1,800 children with SLD]. Dislessia, 26, 249-263.

Mancuso, E., & Giofrè, D. (2018). Code switching kids – is your child bilingual?. Family goLive. Retrieved from: Click here!

Provazza, S., Oliverio, E.,Giofrè, D., & Mammarella, I. C., (2014). Relazione tra geometria, memoria di lavoro e intelligenza in bambini di quarta e quinta primaria [Relationship between geometry, working memory and intelligence in 4th and 5th graders]. Difficoltà in Matematica, 10, 139‑147.

Giofrè, D., & Cornoldi, C. (2011). Verifica delle ipotesi di Spearman attraverso il metodo della correlazione fra vettori [Spearman's Hypothesis and Test Score Differences]. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell'Orientamento, 12, 53‑58.

Lipparini, S., & Giofrè, D. (2011). I bambini con difficoltà spaziali hanno problemi di Intelligenza Emotiva? [Emotional intelligence and nonverbal lerarning disabilities]. Psicologia e Scuola, Novembre-Dicembre, 28‑34.

Cornoldi, C., & Giofrè, D. (2010). Gli studenti italiani sono dei somari [Are the Italian students stupid?]. Psicologia Contemporanea, Luglio-Agosto, 76‑80.

Giofrè, D., Mammarella, I. C., Lucangeli, D. (2009). L'apprendimento della geometria in bambini da 4 a 6 anni [Development of geometry in children between 4 and 6 years old]. Difficoltà in Matematica, 5, 155‑173

Editorial activity

Academic Editor for PlosOne; Associate Editor for Frontiers in Cognition. Guest editor for the International Journal of Psychology. Editorial Board British Journal of Educational Psychology. Editorial Board Journal of Intelligence (JoI). Editor-in-Chief for the JoI section "Approaches to Improving Intelligence."

Ad-hoc reviewer/Grant reviewer

Ad-hoc reviewer for many journals including Intelligence, Journal of Learning and Instruction, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Psychology,  Learning and Instruction, Frontiers in Psychology, Learning and Individual Differences, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Educational Studies in Mathematics, PlosOne, Frontiers in Psychology, Current Psychology , Journal of Intelligence, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Psychology & Neuroscience, Autism Research, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo among others.

Grant reviewer for the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research (MIUR).

Professional societies

ISIR (International society for intelligence research), ISIR student president 2013.

SRLD (Society for Research on Learning Disorders), founding member.

Media coverage

Links #5:, Media Coverage, Gender differences in mathematics.

Links #4:, Media Coverage: Gender differences in mathematics.

Links #3: Journals’ statistics rules ‘help tackle reproducibility crisis’ Study outlines how publishers’ guidelines led to adoption of positive research practices May 29, 2017

Links #2:  Blog on open access and open science, also focusing on the results of Giofrè et al. (2016) paper.


Links #1:  The Editor’s Perspective by Stephen Lindsay. Stephen discussed some of the very substantive policy changes implemented at Psych Science beginning with prior editor Eric Eich. These include an emphasis on effect sizes, requirements for sample-size justification, and badges for different open-science practices.

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